Adult Detention

The Detention Center is equipped to hold adult male and female persons.  It was opened in October of 1987 with a holding capacity of 63.  Our average daily inmate population in 2007 was 92.  With the expansion in 2018 we currently have 154 beds.  The majority of persons held in this facility are pre-trial, meaning they have been accused but not convicted of a criminal offense. Inmates have daily access to medical care. Due to HIPPA laws; medical issues of inmates are confidential and cannot be discussed with others. Commissary is offered two times a week; available items for order include hygiene items and food selections. Please note that cash money is the only thing accepted for inmates.

The adult detention facility is a division of the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office. The facility is operated twenty-four hours a day throughout the year. Detention Staff attend training at the Montana Law Enforcement Academy on the latest techniques in offender management.  All officers are CPR and First Aid qualified. 

A.A. and N.A.

A.A. and N.A. groups meet in the jail to conduct the typical 12 step programs that help people deal with the problems of alcohol and drug abuse and the addiction that so often imprisons the individuals more firmly than the walls of the jail.

Book Cart

The jail provides all sorts of suitable reading materials for inmate use. The books and magazines are donated to the jail by several churches, businesses and individuals, and are delivered on a weekly basis to every pod in the facility.

Outdoor Recreation

This approximate 40 x 30 foot room allows for fresh air, basketball, and time to exercise.

Communicating with Inmates


NCIC Inmate Communications Logo

The Inmate telephone services are provided by NCIC Inmate Communications. NCIC Inmate Communications offers Prepaid Calling Service allowing incarcerated persons at Flathead County Detention Center to stay in contact with loved ones. No incoming calls can be received except for voicemail messages to approved inmates. Each inmate will be given access to the telephones upon the completion of the booking process. Telephones for private use are located in each housing area.

Inmate calls (local, long distance and international) are billed at a per-minute rate, with no connection fees. Three-way calls are prohibited.

For customer questions about billing and access, please call 1-800-943-2189, 24 hours a day.


You can also video visit your loved one from the comfort of your home, as well as send messages and approved pictures which is quicker, easier and cheaper than sending letters through the mail. You can fund your Video Visit and Messaging with your current NCIC Inmate Telephone account or if you don’t have an account you can go to and set one upOpens in a new tab..

  • Video Visits are $0.30 per Minute
  • Messages are $0.25 per Message
  • Picture Messages & Video Messages are $0.35 each.

There is no limit on how many messages and photos can be sent to the inmates and they receive them instantly.

Benefits of setting up an NCIC Prepaid Account: 

  • One account to manage ALL inmate communications (Phone Calls, Video Visits and Messages)
  • Quick and easy account setup
  • Funding and support around the clock 24/7/365

To create and fund Prepaid Accounts, please visit NCIC Inmate Communication’s website at: https://account.ncic.comOpens in a new tab.  (Para Espanol, https://cuenta.ncic.comOpens in a new tab.) or call our call center at 1-800-943-2189.



The Facility does not accept personal Inmate mail directly due to contraband issues. For Legal Mail: See next page.

Personal Mail is scanned and delivered electronically by a 3rd party vendor. To mail a letter to an inmate incarcerated in the Flathead County Detention Center:

Do not send letters to the facility!

Address envelopes:

Inmate Name

Flathead County Detention Center

P.O. Box 591

Long View, Texas 75606

  • BE ADVISED! Original Letter and all its contents are destroyed. Items are not held, forwarded, or returned! By sending mail to the above address, you agree to the letter and all its contents being destroyed.
  • Maximum of 5 pages. Anything over 5 pages will not be scanned and sent to Inmate.
  • Write on the front only! The scanner cannot scan the back of pages.
  • Maximum letter size is 8.5 x 11 inches.
  • Maximum of 1 photo per letter is allowed.
  •  No Legal Mail or Medical Mail Accepted.
  •  Books, magazines, or packages are not accepted.
  • Cash, money orders, or cashier’s checks not accepted.
  • Must have inmate’s PIN


 Legal Mail is only mail sent directly from the Inmate’s attorney or the court.

3rd party mail or personal mail marked legal will not be treated as legal mail.

How to send Legal Mail:

Legal mail must be labeled or stamped “LEGAL MAIL”

Legal mail must be addressed to the inmate’s name

Send directly to the facility: 920 S Main St, Suite 100, Kalispell, MT 59901

Legal mail must include a return address with sending entity’s name (Attorney, law firm, court, etc) and a phone number for verification


Adult Detention Visiting Hours

Saturday – From 12:00pm until 9:00pm, with a break from 1pm to 3pm for lunch.  Visitor sign in begins at 11:45am.

Sunday – From 9:00am until 9:00pm, with a break for lunch between 1pm to 3pm. Visitor sign in begins at 8:45am.

Maximum of 2 persons visiting and one visit per inmate per day. You must be over 18 years of age to visit an inmate.

View the list of current inmates.